Fee & refund policy


The payment terms and conditions apply to students who provide for any payment made to LINKSTART LEARNING Pte Ltd. By authorising a payment to the aforementioned company, it would be treated as an act of acceptance to the fees and refund policy as listed below.

  1. Students acknowledge, agree, understand and confirm that his/ her personal data including without limitation details relating to payment transactions transmitted wirelessly or via the internet may be susceptible to misuse, hacking, theft and/ or fraud which LINKSTART LEARNING has no control over such matters.
  2. Linkstart Learning and/or respective Payment Service Providers shall not be liable for any inaccuracy, error or delay in, or omission of:
    • (a) any data, information or message or;
    • (b) the transmission or delivery of any such data, information or message or;
    • (c) any loss or damage arising from or occasioned by any such inaccuracy, error, delay or omission, non-performance or interruption in any such data, information or message.
  3. Under no circumstances shall Linkstart Learning, its employees, directors, and its third party agents involved in processing, delivering or managing the Services, be liable for any consequential damages, or any damages arising out of or in any way connected with the provision of any payment services or resulting from unauthorised access or alteration of data transmissions or arising from suspension or termination of the Service.
  4. The student agrees that Linkstart Learning or any of its employees will not be held liable for any loss or damages arising from his/her use of, or reliance upon the information contained on the Website, or any failure to comply with these terms where such failure is due to circumstance beyond Linkstart Learning’ reasonable control.
  5. The payment details provided by students during payment must be correct and accurate and that he/she shall not use a payment account that is not lawfully owned by him/ her or the use of which is not authorized by the lawful owner thereof. They must also agree and undertake to provide correct and valid payment details.
  6. Linkstart Learning may share personal information of students with its bankers or auditors for clearing necessary fees payments.
  7. Fees will not be refunded at any point once the class has commenced.
  8. Linkstart Learning reserves its rights to amend these terms and conditions at any time without giving prior notice.